Accident & Injury

The following steps must be followed in case of an accident or injury in the workplace:


  1. Get first aid on-site immediately (if necessary).
  2. Report accident or injury to the on-site supervisor so that an accident report can be initiated.
  3. Seek health care from a doctor, clinic or a hospital (if necessary).
  4. Report accident or injury to Goudreau Personnel by Swinton as soon as possible. Leave a message with any details on the 24-hour answering service if it is after hours or on the weekend. Someone will contact you as soon as possible to get the details of the incident and follow-up with you.
In Case Of Accident Or Injury.
  • Goudreau Personnel by Swinton has the right to ask for any pertinent documentation (i.e. doctor’s note, prescriptions, functional abilities report, etc.) after an accident has taken place, medical attention received or any time that has been missed.
  • Goudreau Personnel by Swinton works closely with their Joint Health & Safety Committee and will actively investigate all workplace injuries and accidents to ensure that all “legitimate” claims are handled promptly, to ensure minimal lost time and successful return to work.
  • Goudreau Personnel by Swinton work jointly with the on-site employer to arrange for modified work that meets any restrictions that may be provided by your doctor. The employee must return to work if those restrictions are met.
  • It is the responsibility of our employees to inform Goudreau Personnel by Swinton of any prior accident or injury that may affect the performance of their assigned job or cause further injury.
You Have The Right To...

Your on-site employer must inform you about dangerous chemicals or materials used in your workplace. Insist on safety training before using machinery, tools, dangerous chemicals or materials, and call GPS’s Joint Health & Safety Committee if it is not provided.

You can do this by reporting any unsafe conditions to your supervisor, or contacting the GPS Joint Health & Safety Committee.

If you believe or question whether the work you do or the equipment you are utilizing is not safe, you can refuse to do that work until the situation is fixed. You must report the unsafe work to your supervisor immediately or ask for an on-site Worker Representative to report your concerns. In the meantime you can be assigned alternate work.

You Have The Responsibility To...

Do not take risks. You could be injured or injure another worker.

If you see anything that looks or feels wrong, tell your on-site supervisor immediately, then follow-up with GPS’s Joint Health & Safety Committee. They will look into the incident/complaint as well. Do not wait until someone gets hurt.

Wear your Personal Protective Equipment and/or clothing as necessary and do not be afraid to ask for training on how to use it or maintain it properly.

Workers Roles And Responsibilities

Workers have a general duty to protect their own Health and Safety and that of others around them. Workers should be pro-active about Health & Safety. This means that workers must not only comply with the law and the employer’s policies & workplace procedures, but they should also make suggestions to improve Health & Safety. Workers may bring their questions, concerns and/or suggestions directly to Goudreau Personnel by Swinton’s Health & Safety Committee.

The law sates [under the Occupational Health & Safety Act and Regulations for Industrial Establishments – Section 28 (1 & 2)] that an employee must:

  1. Work in compliance with the provisions of this act and the regulations.
  2. Use or wear the equipment, protective devices or clothing that the worker’s employer requires to be used or worn.
  3. Report to his or her employer or supervisor the absence of or defect in any equipment or protective device of which the worker is aware of and which may endanger himself or another worker.
  4. Report to his or her employer or supervisor any contravention of this Act or the regulations or the existence of any hazard of which he or she knows.
  5. Not to remove or make ineffective any protective device required by the regulations or by his or her employer without providing an adequate temporary protection device. When the need for removing or making ineffective the protective device has ceased, the protective device shall be replaced immediately.
  6. Not to use or operate any equipment, machine, device or thing or work in a manner that may endanger himself, herself or any other worker.
  7. Not engage in any prank, contest, feat of strength, unnecessary running or rough and boisterous conduct.
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