
General Interview Tips

When one is on the “employment market,” it is easy to feel as though the interview process is more of an interrogation rather than a meeting designed to exchange pertinent information. However, the interview process should be viewed as more of a “Sales Call” or “Sales Pitch” – a way to showcase your experience, your qualifications and your desire to contribute to the organization.

An interview is the chance to sell yourself…but more importantly, it is the opportunity to “ask for the job”.

Prepare for
the Interview

First Impressions are Crucial

The Interview Process

Commonly Asked Questions In An Interview

The nature of the interview depends on the style of the interviewer. In some cases, it is very hard to prepare or know what to expect. But every interview starts with general “tell me about your background as it relates to our company” type questions, and then it usually moves into more specific information gathering.

When answering all questions, keep it relevant to the qualities and experience the employer is looking for and direct your answers to show you meet the requirements of the position. Above all else, stay positive & focused.

  1. Describe your last employer’s workplace?
  2. What were your main job functions in a typical day/week?
  3. Why did you leave? Why are you looking to leave?
  4. Describe your relationship with your previous direct supervisor/boss.
  5. Describe your relationship with your previous co-workers.
  6. How often were you absent from your job?
  7. What have you learned from your previous experience?
  1. What type of job interests you and why?
  2. What do you think the qualities are to succeed in that type of environment?
  3. What are your most outstanding qualities?
  4. Name two weaknesses. What are you doing to improve on them?
  5. Give two examples of times that you showed initiative.
  6. Are you a leader? Give an example of a time when you proved to have leadership qualities/abilities.
  7. What languages do you speak? Read? Write?
  1. How important are wages to you?
  2. Do you work well under pressure? In tight deadlines?
  3. How do you feel about working overtime or long hours if necessary?
  4. Do you like to work alone, or prefer to work in a group setting?
  5. How do you feel about a job that involves routine & repetitive tasks?
  6. Describe a situation where you dealt with a disgruntled customer, and how did you resolve the situation.
  1. What type of direct Supervisor do you feel that you would excel working under, in terms of character and expectations?
  2. What motivates you as an individual? What motivates you as an employee?
  3. Where do you see yourself in five (5) years?
  4. Do you consider yourself a risk taker? Give a workplace example that illustrates your willingness to take risks.
  5. Describe an experience where you had to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
  1. What have you heard about this company and what attracts you to want to work for us / what do you like about our company?
  2. What interests you about the product or service we offer?
  3. If you had a choice, what job would you choose within our company?
  4. What are your wage/salary requirements?
  5. When are you available to start a position?
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